Ensiferum: la band ha terminato la fase di scrittura del proprio nuovo album, nonché debut album con la nota Metal Blade Records. La band inizierà a registrare il nuovo album il prossimo 8 Settembre presso gli Astia Studio di Lappeenranta (Finlandia) con il produttore Anssi Kippo.
Fonte: Metal Blade Records Newsletter
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Ensiferum: the band have completed writing for their upcoming new album and Metal Blade Records debut! With pre-production out of the way, the band is prepared to begin recording. Work will begin on September 8th at Astia Studio (astiastudio.fi) in Lappeenranta in Finland with producer Anssi Kippo. Fans can expect to hear new music at the beginning of January 2015.
Source: Metal Blade Records Newsletter
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