giovedì 11 settembre 2014


Zodiac: il debut album del combo, Sonic Child è ormai sulla rampa di lancio e per celebrarne la release, i Zodiac partiranno per un tour che li terrà impegnati dal 19 Settembre al 5 Ottobre e che farà tappa in Italia per due date!

Sotto i dettagli delle date italiane:
27.09.14 IT - Milano / Lo-Fi
28.09.14 IT - Bologna / Freak Out

Fonte: Napalm Records Newsletter

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Zodiac: the German Blues Rockers are set to release their brand new album Sonic Child (Napalm Records) in the world! The new masterpiece will be in stores on September 29th in the UK & Europe and the four guys are just to hit the road for touring across Europe. Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy & UK will be the stations and ZODIAC will definitely convince with great live shows and with the new Sonic Child on the road! 

Check out their upcoming tour dates!
19.09.14 DE - Köln / Underground
20.09.14 DE - Essen / Turock
21.09.14 DE - Osnabrück / Bastard Club
23.09.14 DE - München / Backstage
24.09.14 DE - Nürnberg / Rockfabrik
25.09.14 AT - Wien / Reigen Live
26.09.14 CH - Aarau / Kiff
30.09.14 UK - London / The Underworld
02.10.14 DE - Husum / Speicher
03.10.14 DE - Hamburg / Rock Cafe St. Pauli
04.10.14 DE - Frankfurt / Das Bett
05.10.14 DE - Berlin / Privatclub

Source: Napalm Records Newsletter

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