“Equilibrium and Chaos”, questo è il titolo del nuovo lavoro, sarà reperibile sulle maggiori piattaforme digitali ed in versione CD attraverso i mailorder e i nei negozi specializzati.
La nuova release comprenderà 8 brani, registrati presso gli MK Studio di Milano sotto la guida di Massimiliano Serra.
A breve maggiori informazioni.
Fonte: Eagle Booking Live Promotion
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Cold Raven: the doomed black metal band Cold Raven recently signed a new deal wih Sliptrick Records for the production and the distribution of their new album, Equilibrium and Chaos, which will see the light in following months. Equilibrium and Chaos will be available on the major digital stores and in CD version through mailorder and authorized shops. The album will contain 8 songs recorded at the MK Studio (Milan, IT) with Massimiliano Serra. Stay tuned for more details.
Source: Eagle Booking Live Promotion
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