lunedì 27 novembre 2017


Rexoria: il debut album della female fronted melodic metal band svedese si intitolerà Queeen of Light e sarà disponibile dal prossimo 19 Gennaio via Pride & Joy Music. L'album è stato registrato nella prima metà di Ottobre ai Trampolin Recordings di Gothenburg, assieme al produttore e ingegnere di mixaggio Henrik Pettersson e masterizzato da Jeffro Lacksheide negli USA. Una versione live della title track è ascoltabile dal player qui sotto.

Di seguito la tracklist:
1. The Land In Between
2. Stranded
3. Queen of Light
4. Voice of Heaven
5. Way to Die
6. Song by the Angels
7. Next Generation
8. The Saviour
9. Hurricane
10. My Spirit Will Run Free
11. You'll be Alright

Fonte: GerMusica Promotion

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Rexoria: the debut album of the Swedish female fronted melodic metal band will be titled Queeen of Light and will be released on January 19th via Pride & Joy Music. The album was recorded in the 1st half of October 2017 at the Trampolin Recordings in Gothenburg, with the producer and mixing engineer Henrik Pettersson and mastered by Jeffro Lacksheide in USA. A live version of the title track can be listened below.

Here's the album's track listing:
1. The Land In Between
2. Stranded
3. Queen of Light
4. Voice of Heaven
5. Way to Die
6. Song by the Angels
7. Next Generation
8. The Saviour
9. Hurricane
10. My Spirit Will Run Free
11. You'll be Alright

Source: GerMusica Promotion

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