Lothloryen: la band ha rilasciato un nuovo singolo inedito dal titolo Time Will Tell, attualmente disponibile in free download e streaming listening a QUESTO indirizzo. Time Will Tell è stata registrata presso i Jack Studios ed ai Bar dos Bardos, mentre il mixing ed il mastering si sono tenuti a Sao Paulo da Thiago Okamura ai To-Mix Studios. L'artwork è stata creata da Marcus Lorenzet.
Fonte: Metal Media
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Lothloryen: Brazilian bards LOTHLÖRYEN just released a new and unpublished single, 'Time Will Tell', for free download and free listening. The single can be downloaded at THIS LOCATION. The song was recorded at the studios Jack Studios and Bar dos Bardos. The mixing and mastering were done in São Paulo by Thiago Okamura at To-Mix Studios. Already the cover was again created by artist Marcus Lorenzet.
Source: Metal Media
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