Il video uscirà a fine settembre ed il singolo sarà disponibile a partire dal 31 Ottobre in distribuzione digitale ed in formato CD, all'interno dello speciale "Deadcade Pack" in tiratura super limitata, per il decimo anniversario di morte della band.
Fonte: Atomic Stuff Promotion
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Superhorrorfuck: after the summer's break, the Italian based shock rock band Superhorrorfuck will come back with the launching of a new single titled Son of a Witch, of which will be realized a video in collaboration with the photographer Michele Aldeghi (Rolling Stone Italia, Hardcore Superstar).
The video will be available on late September and the single will be unleashed on Oct. 31st, distribuited as digital and CD, in the special Deadcade Pack ltd edition for the 10th anniversary of "death" of the band.
Source: Atomic Stuff Promotion
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