Di seguito le prossime date live confermate della band:
QUANDO: 30.01.2016
BILL: ULVEDHARR w/ Gotland, Nevrast, Herjan
LOCATION: The invaluable darkness night @ Border - Torino
QUANDO: 20.02.2016
BILL: ULVEDHARR 5th Anniversary Party
LOCATION: Keller Pb – Curno (BG)
QUANDO: 22-24 Luglio 2016
LOCATION: Fosch Fest - Bagnatica (BG)
Fonte: Eagle Booking Live Promotion
Ulvedharr: the new lyric video of When the Fog Still Burn can be seen below. The song is taken from the band's latest album Ragnarok, released on April 2015 via Nemeton Records.
Source: Eagle Booking Live Promotion
QUANDO: 22-24 Luglio 2016
LOCATION: Fosch Fest - Bagnatica (BG)
Fonte: Eagle Booking Live Promotion
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Ulvedharr: the new lyric video of When the Fog Still Burn can be seen below. The song is taken from the band's latest album Ragnarok, released on April 2015 via Nemeton Records.
Source: Eagle Booking Live Promotion
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